road traffic management

What Is Traffic Management Planning

Are you planning an activity on a Council road that requires traffic control? Then, you will need to submit an application for temporary traffic management to Council.

What is traffic management in simple words?

Do you wonder what traffic management includes? Traffic management is the organisation and control of traffic, including pedestrians, bicyclists and all types of vehicles.

Also known as road traffic control, traffic management is the design, auditing and implementation of traffic control plans at worksites and civil infrastructure projects.

It is the management of the existing road network and its users to maximise safety, efficiency and reliability (source).

What is the meaning of “traffic plan”?

A traffic plan is a document that assesses how construction work or an event will impact the traffic on the road.

It must provide a description of the construction works. And, it must provide the impacts on the traffic and the management of these impacts.

What is a traffic management plan in NSW?

A traffic management plan (TMP) outlines the procedures a project manager will implement to manage potential hazards the traffic environment creates during a project.

Its purpose is to provide protection to workers from traffic hazards. These hazards may arise as a result of the construction activity or event. The goal is to ensure the safety of all road users.

What is the difference between a traffic management plan and a traffic guidance scheme?

Traffic Guidance Scheme

A traffic guidance scheme (TGS) is a visual guide. This guide provides the essential site information and the arrangement of temporary traffic control devices in and around a work site.

It shows how the arrangement will change the existing road and footpath conditions. The document includes the signage requirements, access for emergency vehicles and public transport, traffic controller instructions and the contact persons.

Traffic Management Plan

More detailed than a TGS, a traffic management plan (TMP) is made of several traffic guidance schemes. And, it includes other documents like risk assessments, OH&S, existing road conditions, and traffic volumes.

In addition, it includes details about signage and equipment, Road Safety Audits, and inspections and reporting. But, also traffic flow and volume, and incident management.

If your event is likely to impede local traffic movement, Council will require a Traffic Management Plan. Without this document, it might cost you a lot in terms of money and reputation. Learn more about event traffic management plans.

Learn more about traffic management plans and how to get one.

Do you need a traffic management plan for a project in NSW? For all your projects, whether it is road closures or complex traffic arrangement, you can count on us. With quality traffic plans, we can help you apply for temporary full road closure and get your application approved quickly. So, get in touch with us for all your Sydney traffic guidance plans and traffic management plans needs.